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Booneville Garden Club, September 2021
garden club / 12 October 2021 / 0 Comment

Booneville Garden Club, September 2021

Following lunch and our usual business, hostess Anne Cooney introduced the delightful and informative speaker, Katherine Whitaker, who presented a program on flowers that are easy to grow, provide lots of texture and color and last through the whole growing season. Katherine who has been in the business for 30 years, is a wealth of knowledge and is responsible for the landscaping beauty of so many businesses here in town.

Booneville Garden Club meets on the 3rd Wednesday of each month, at either 12 noon for lunch or 1 pm for business only. For more info on this great club and the next meeting location, please call Anne Cooney at 479-206-1333. We would love to have you join us!

Being a volunteer organization has its pros and cons. It means working for the sheer pleasure of working. It also means we still have rules to guide us. 1. Yard must be within city limits. 2. Only front yards will be considered. 3. Yard cannot belong to a member of the Garden Club. We delight in choosing a yard that qualifies but the rules are set down by the folks at the National level. Please don’t let that discourage you from gardening. Happy Fall, y’all!


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