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magazine / 19 October 2022 / 0 Comment

Magazine City Council

Magazine City Council -  October 10, 2022.

- Eli Bennet provided an update for the fire department. The rescue vehicle is not yet ready to be sold. Since the ISO inspection, the fire dept. has been able to open all the hydrants according to ISO specifications. The fire dept. will take on the responsibility of opening the hydrants and keeping them up to code.

- Brett Chappel hasn’t heard anything new about the new police vehicle. They are waiting for parts and equipment. Brett appreciated attending the sex offender conference in Little Rock. In the last month, the Magazine Police Dept. has had 1 felony arrest, 1 warrant served, 3 traffic citations, 21 verbal warnings, 2 unlocks, and 1 welfare check.

- The Council discussed properties around town that are in need of clean-up and the status of current clean-up orders.

- The committee to hire a part-time SRO met and settled on an individual. The hiring process will continue after the Magazine School Board has had an opportunity to discuss the candidate.

- The state is wanting to assign a DOT officer to Logan County, but the state has 115 open positions and is stretched thin.

- The stage at the city park was vandalized with graffiti, and the City Council wants to see the facility repainted prior to Magazine Homecoming scheduled for Oct. 29th.


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